Montane Property Nordic Grooming
Some of the FTASTC members have been out signing the Montane property in preparation for snowcat grooming for Nordic Skiing. In partnership with Parastone and probably the FTA we will be grooming ten kilometers of the roadways hopefully once per week. There will be a motorized corridor allowed and signed along the old powerline/pipeline road from Castle Mountain housing up to River Road Extension by Roots Trail. The rest of the branch roads and all the single-track on the Montane Property are non-motorized. We will be setting up further signage along the edge of the groomed roadsystem where it can be mechanically groomed for snowbiking. Montane should be groomed this Sunday when the snowcat is available after having its tracks repaired.
The upper property boundary of the Montane lands is River Road Extension, from Coal Creek Bridge south to the powerline by Roots Trail. Snowbikers and dog walkers are asked to stay along the outside edge of the snowcat grooming and not wreck it for the Nordic Skiers. A map will be available within two weeks and additional signage will mark where the snowbike grooming will be allowed.