Lazy Lizard Connector to Stove Trail is a GO!

Lazy Lizard Connector in Red
Today we started the Lazy Lizard connector to Stove Trail. This is a big FTA project for this year that we had applied for to BC Parks over one year ago. This is Phase 5 of the Lazy Lizard Trail and involves about 2 kilometers of tree falling, brush cutting, excavator digging and numerous Thursday night FTA trail crew work parties. We have budgeted $20,000 for this project but need to raise more to complete it. Last year the Thunder Ridge Fundraiser netted $10,000 for this project and it was matched with another $10,000 from RMI funds.
Wacker Neuson (1.5 tonne diesel digger) from Fernie Rentals is doing the bulk of the dirt moving at $1,000 per week rental fee. The operator is gratis of the FTASTC until he tires out and goes fishing. Will need about 5 weeks of excavator work to complete this trail this year. One large bridge and numerous boardwalks will have to be constructed.

Wacker at Work

Tree surfing
The first FTA trail crew work on this job starts this Thursday night, June 16th. Meet at the Aquatic Centre at 6 pm and get dirty for a couple hours, free beer afterwards. Your dirt trails need you!