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Thunder Meadows

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Thunder Meadows firewood
Thunder Meadows firewood

Thunder Meadows firewood

Filed in Ski Touring, Thunder Meadows by on October 13, 2014 • views: 7741

Another change of season and few loads of firewood are in the air. Thunder Meadows cabin has a great supply of old larch to keep us warm and dry this winter! Here a a few pics from the harvest:


Thunder Meadows Work Party a Success
ski touring hut

Thunder Meadows Work Party a Success

Filed in Ski Touring, Thunder Meadows by on September 19, 2013 • views: 3353

The Thunder Meadows Work Party was a success as all of the list items were completed and we had some fun celebrating the cabins 20th anniversary. The anniversary work party saw the rebuild of the cabin front deck, re-plywooding of the kitchen floor, painting of the entire interior (including benches and tables), a new kitchen […]


Thunder Meadows 20th anniversary get together and work party

Thunder Meadows 20th anniversary get together and work party

Filed in Ski Touring, Thunder Meadows by on September 9, 2013 • views: 3132

The weekend of Sept 14 to 15th is the planned date for the Thunder Meadows 20th anniversary get together and work party. With an adequate work party we home to make significant improvements to the cabin. To participate you can hike up for a day or the weekend. With limited sleeping space in the cabin […]


Thunder Meadows  Feb 4 2012

Thunder Meadows Feb 4 2012

Filed in Ski Touring, Thunder Meadows by on February 6, 2012 0 Comments • views: 3349

Four of us started by utilizing the new Polar Peak lift, and going through the beacon gate into Polaris Bowl. We had epic conditions all the way down to easy street. As we go into uphill mode at the bottom of Easy Street and had a thorough discussion about conditions and the 2.5 that crossed […]


Thunder Meadows Avalanche

Thunder Meadows Avalanche

Filed in Ski Touring, Thunder Meadows by on February 5, 2012 0 Comments • views: 3345

On Friday Thunder Meadows experienced the natural avalanche pattern that was observed across Southern BC. The avalanche path crossed just beyond the top of Easy Street, a popular route to the Thunder Meadows Cabin. Easy Street is considered by many to be a shooting gallery during higher avalanche conditions because of potential cornice falls and […]


Thunder Meadows Access and Ski Terrain

Thunder Meadows Access and Ski Terrain

Filed in Ski Touring, Thunder Meadows by on December 23, 2011 0 Comments • views: 3902

Route up to Thunder Meadows has a shallow snowpack right now (December 23-2011). After leaving Island Lake Road (5 km from parking area) it is best to ascend Thirstquencher Bowl for the first half of the climb and then cross over into Cabin Bowl just before the cliff bands start. It will be difficult to […]


Thunder Meadows Hut on December 11th

Thunder Meadows Hut on December 11th

Filed in Ski Touring, Thunder Meadows by on December 13, 2011 0 Comments • views: 4087

On Sunday eight of us ski toured to Thunder Meadows Hut from the White Pass Chair at Fernie Alpine Resort. We figured it was best to start high and avoid climbing up the shallow snowpack and thick alder bush that makes getting over the headwall into Cabin Bowl a tough challenge this time of year. […]


How and when to Book the Cabins views: 6579

How and when to book the Cabins are frequent questions and this post is intended as an overview to assist you. Thunder Meadows and Tunnel Creek cabins are bookable as a whole cabin only online for overnight stays by members. This is not exclusive as the cabins are also available for day use. Day use […]

A Cabin Crisis: The Economy of Toilet Paper views: 340

Deep in the heart of the Fernie backcountry, at the legendary Thunder Meadows, Tunnel Creek, and Harvey Pass cabins, a shadowy barter economy thrives. No, it’s not trading trail mix for dry socks or a thermos of coffee for a warm seat by the fire. It’s something far more primal: toilet paper. Yes, in the […]

Orca Road and Orca Bridge Volly Party views: 436

The Fernie Trails and Ski Touring Club spent a day clearing Orca Road and clearing a more obvious route to Orca Bridge. We’re stoked for another great ski touring season!

New Ski Touring Hut Survey views: 1373

The Fernie Trails and Ski Touring Club is currently in the assessment and pre-feasibility phase in planning an additional backcountry ski touring hut for the club and its membership. The New Ski Touring Hut Survey will help gauge general interest in determining if an additional hut is viable and refine location criteria that suit the […]

2024 Summer Cabin Improvements views: 442

Every spring, the Fernie Trails and Ski Touring Club reviews the cabins and plans improvements for the summer and fall. These upgrades go above and beyond the annual cleaning and restocking of supplies, such as firewood, propane, and other essentials. Preparing the firewood involves bucking and splitting, followed by several helicopter flights to each cabin […]