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Ridgemont Trails riding well.

Ridgemont Trails riding well.

Filed in Biking by on May 11, 2010 0 Comments • views: 3303

The mountain bike trails in the Ridgemont area are mostly dried up and riding well. On the weekend the Fernie Trails crew cleaned up deadfall on Splitting Bears and Hessian. We will be cleaning up the Mount Fernie Park trails in the next several weeks.


Proctor Mountain Trails

Proctor Mountain Trails

Filed in Biking by on April 25, 2010 0 Comments • views: 3559

The trails on the south slope of Proctor Mountain are free of snow and in great shape for cycling. Mad Cow and Swine Flu are the recommended rides right now. Best to climb the double-track on the northeast side of Fairy Creek and then turn right along the fence line after walking through the barb wire fence gate. This will tie you into the Mad Cow single-track climb.


Hyper Ventilation – South Castle trails open for cycling

Hyper Ventilation – South Castle trails open for cycling

Filed in Biking by on April 25, 2010 0 Comments • views: 3197

Hyper Ventilation, Castle Mountain and South Castle are open for cycling now. The Fernie Trails Club cleared out the deadfall on these trails on Wednesday. There is a five minute snow walk on the Castle Rocks traverse but Castle Mountain and South Castle Trail are clear from the summit down to Cokato Road.


Cycling Trails around Koocanusa

Cycling Trails around Koocanusa

Filed in Biking by on March 28, 2010 0 Comments • views: 5584

Cycled Elk Rim and Dorr Road single-track on Saturday, March 27. The trails are all in very good condition with only a few muddy sections.


How and when to Book the Cabins views: 6837

How and when to book the Cabins are frequent questions and this post is intended as an overview to assist you. Thunder Meadows and Tunnel Creek cabins are bookable as a whole cabin only online for overnight stays by members. This is not exclusive as the cabins are also available for day use. Day use […]

2025 Fernie Trails & Ski Touring Bursary Recipients views: 356

The Fernie Trails and Ski Touring Club (FTSTC) 2025 Avalanche Bursary Program awarded a total of $2,400 split equally between six recipients. FTSTC President Magnus Leckenby commented, “We’re happy that our bursary program is supporting individuals who will contribute to a safer backcountry.” Each year, bursaries are available to help further avalanche education in the […]

FT&STC Annual General Meeting views: 3410

The Fernie Trails & Ski Touring Club is holding its Annual General Meeting at 7PM on Thursday, March 13 2025 at the Fernie Seniors Centre (562 3 Ave, Fernie). Members and non-members are welcome to attend. 2024 will be reviewed and direction moving forward with respect to the cabins, new projects, summer plans, work parties, […]

A Cabin Crisis: The Economy of Toilet Paper views: 502

Deep in the heart of the Fernie backcountry, at the legendary Thunder Meadows, Tunnel Creek, and Harvey Pass cabins, a shadowy barter economy thrives. No, it’s not trading trail mix for dry socks or a thermos of coffee for a warm seat by the fire. It’s something far more primal: toilet paper. Yes, in the […]

Orca Road and Orca Bridge Volly Party views: 597

The Fernie Trails and Ski Touring Club spent a day clearing Orca Road and clearing a more obvious route to Orca Bridge. We’re stoked for another great ski touring season!