Recent Articles

Porky Blue Crew
The Fernie Trail Crew has been out the past few weeks preparing Porky Blue Trail for the TransRockies Race on August 9th. The trail is brushed out and soon to be ready for cycling. Porky Blue is designed for cross country riders (moderate difficulty) and boasts 10 kilometers of single-track that drops 1000 vertical meters down to the Coal Discovery Trail from Coal Creek Summit.

New Coal Discovery Trail Bridges
Three additional bridges along the new section of the Coal Discovery Trail.

Coal Discovery Trail Upgrade
The Fernie Trails Crew has been busy clearing out the Coal Discovery Trail the past two weeks. This weekend we used Bighorn Helicopters to sling in 5 loads of bridge beams and decking and built two of three bridges going in on 2 kilometers of new single-track. The cross-country single-track now goes northward nine kilometers towards Hosmer. Can return on Ridgemont Road or on the Hosmer Powerline 4 X 4 road.
This section of trail will be used by over 500 cyclists during the TransRockies stage race in August.

Coal Discovery Trail 20 km ride.jpg
This week we cleared the deadfall with hand saws along the Coal Discovery Trail towards Hosmer. We then rode back to Fernie on Ridgemont Road and descended on R Trail and Oh Dear. Very nice 20 kilometer cross country ride. Should take less than 2 hours.

Hyper Extension Open for Riding
A couple of us chain sawed the deadfall and bush on Hyper Extension on Friday. The descent is riding exceptional well now after cutting out several of the handle bar grabbers and smoothing out some of the dips. Only a couple spots have small patches of snow on the trail. This trail is accessed by riding up Roots and Hyper Ventilation.
How and when to Book the Cabins views: 6837
How and when to book the Cabins are frequent questions and this post is intended as an overview to assist you. Thunder Meadows and Tunnel Creek cabins are bookable as a whole cabin only online for overnight stays by members. This is not exclusive as the cabins are also available for day use. Day use […]
2025 Fernie Trails & Ski Touring Bursary Recipients views: 356
The Fernie Trails and Ski Touring Club (FTSTC) 2025 Avalanche Bursary Program awarded a total of $2,400 split equally between six recipients. FTSTC President Magnus Leckenby commented, “We’re happy that our bursary program is supporting individuals who will contribute to a safer backcountry.” Each year, bursaries are available to help further avalanche education in the […]
FT&STC Annual General Meeting views: 3410
The Fernie Trails & Ski Touring Club is holding its Annual General Meeting at 7PM on Thursday, March 13 2025 at the Fernie Seniors Centre (562 3 Ave, Fernie). Members and non-members are welcome to attend. 2024 will be reviewed and direction moving forward with respect to the cabins, new projects, summer plans, work parties, […]
A Cabin Crisis: The Economy of Toilet Paper views: 502
Deep in the heart of the Fernie backcountry, at the legendary Thunder Meadows, Tunnel Creek, and Harvey Pass cabins, a shadowy barter economy thrives. No, it’s not trading trail mix for dry socks or a thermos of coffee for a warm seat by the fire. It’s something far more primal: toilet paper. Yes, in the […]
Orca Road and Orca Bridge Volly Party views: 597
The Fernie Trails and Ski Touring Club spent a day clearing Orca Road and clearing a more obvious route to Orca Bridge. We’re stoked for another great ski touring season!
Clint Pacek This cabin [...]
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